Do You Know?
Upon being conferred the title of Jagadguru on 14 January 1957, the bestowing scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat presented Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj with a reverential tribute in the form of poetry, Padyaprasunopahara, summarising his brilliance and defining his pre-eminence. An excerpt from an English translation of Padyaprasunopahara follows:
The master of restraint, observation, and all disciplines of yoga, divinely graced, the propounder of the path of devotion and the crest jewel of those devoted to God, an ocean of numerous branches of knowledge, saviour of the world, expounder of the great rituals and the spiritual teacher in the true sense of the term is Shri 1008 Swami Kripalu Ji Maharaj …
With the rays of the sun of detachment drying the slime of attachment, an effulgent source of bliss to the virtuous souls of the world has appeared in the form of the spring incarnate, honourably known as Swami Kripalu Ji Maharaj. This ‘Kripalu’ or merciful spring causes the flowers to bloom on the creeper of bhakti and is universally known for spreading spiritual light everywhere.
The discourse of Shri Kripalu Ji is like the thunderous sound of the new clouds. It dispels the agony of the mind suffering from the scourge of atheism. When one listens to his discourses, divine knowledge begins to sprout from the woodland of one’s heart and mind. The words of Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj work like an elixir-like medicine to protect the people whose minds have been vitiated by sophistry and malice. Praise be to him till eternity.
Confused by their reading of different philosophies, people become indecisive, unhappy, and directionless and in that state, realising their ignorance, they shudder in his presence. Shri Maharaj Ji makes them comfortable and teaches them with love and care and makes them follow the right path. Shri Kripalu Ji provides peace to those who are afflicted by their various desires by making them drink the nectar of his divine words. He is an ocean of an endless number of virtues. Adored by the flowers of praising words, he is here in the midst of many scholars.
Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has the most brilliant intellect and wisdom in India. He has set up a group of devotees who are following bhaktiyoga in all its glories. His strong sense of upholding and strengthening scripturally prescribed duties has been growing day by day along with his fame and glory. He deserves the highest accolade. The highest title of Jagadguruttam is being conferred on him.
Shri Kripalu Ji is an authority in interpreting and explaining the sacred Vedas and other scriptures. He is supreme among those who exercise self-restraint. In Shivpuri, Kashi, before this auspicious assembly, some verses in Sanskrit are presented in adoration to Shri Maharaj Ji to mark his glory …
Printed in full in the book, Jagadguruttam, available in English and Hindi.