Eight Simple Steps to See God
The knowledge contained in our scriptures is like a vast ocean. The profundity of its wisdom is so fathomless that only a few rare souls have ever mined its depths, bringing the essence to the surface for the benefit of humanity. For most, spiritual knowledge is acquired in parts from various places and people, and that too, limited to our own understanding capability and purity of heart. There is a saying in the world — a little knowledge is a dangerous thing — and this is very true in the spiritual realm too. Without practically applying spiritual principles, the pride that emerges acts as an impediment to spiritual growth.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj therefore spoke in detail about practical sadhana, that is, the application of spiritual principles in daily life. At the heart of this is the importance of lovingly remembering God. Regular and systematic remembrance reduces the inclination to commit sin. He defined sin as any moment when you are not thinking of God. In time, through the grace of God and guru, your heart softens, and your love deepens as the realisation of His presence in your life begins to blossom in your heart. You must practice remembering that He is always with you and that you are never alone. Here are some simple practical ways you can do this.
1. Set aside a regular time daily to sit in solitude and remember God with your mind focused on Him. You may take the aid of a bhajan or kirtan composed by a saint or sit silently. Either way, your mind must be engaged.
2. Do not be lazy with your spiritual education; revise and reflect daily.
3. Always realise the presence of God with you. If you work in an office, make a place for Him to sit or stand. If you drive a taxi, make Him sit in the passenger’s seat. In other words, do not leave your beloved Lord at home or in the temple.
4. Any spare time you get, do not waste it. Use it as an opportunity to remember Him.
5. Every hour on the hour think, “He is with me; He is watching me.” When this becomes your habit, reduce it to every 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and so on. You do not have to kneel or stand before a deity, or face east or west.
6. Death can approach you at any moment, so procrastinating in your devotional practice must always be avoided.
7. Your greatest adversary is your own mind; never listen to it. Adhere instead to the teachings of your guru and God.
8. Before sleeping at night, revise how much you remembered Him during the day, and resolve to improve tomorrow.
In this way, God’s tangible presence in your life will grow, and one day, you will surely meet Him.
Spirituality in Daily Living, Volume 2, p.41–44
Vedic knowledge revealed by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and presented by Dr Vishakha Tripathi, president of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.