Mr. Billionaire
If you have acquired wealth, you can build a mansion, buy a car or an aeroplane. You can do all this, but you cannot attain bliss. You cannot free yourself from sorrow and suffering. What is the use of hoarding material treasures when such things only increase tension and create more problems? Why did you earn all this money? So I can sleep peacefully, being free from all worries. But isn’t everything the reverse? Yes, that’s true, but if I had two million dollars instead of one, then my worries would definitely end. And so it goes on and countless lives pass by.
Scriptures state that we have even held the post of Indra, the king of celestials, countless times. When this could not satisfy us, surely you would agree that it is foolishness to think that a paltry million or billion dollars could end all our desires and deliver satisfaction. An ordinary fool can be rectified, but not an extraordinary one.
Saint Tulsidas says in the Ramayana, “Even a guru of the stature of Brahma, the creator of the universe and foremost Jagadguru would not be able to rectify such a fool.” The pride that arises from wealth is such that except for God-realised saints, there was, is and will be no one who will not become blinded by its intoxication. When people display arrogance owning $100,000 just imagine the condition of a billionaire.
Veda Vyasa reflected on how the prosperous could be saved and in the end he admitted defeat. If by some good fortune the affluent donate their wealth to a worthy recipient, admitting they are destitute, they can be saved. They will have to accept themselves as penniless or else salvation is impossible. Therefore, Kunti asked for the following boon (Bhagavatam 1.8.26), “Dear Lord! Bless me with sorrow and suffering and deprive me of all worldly possessions. I know you love the destitute and that wherever there is wealth there is pride and the basis of devotion, humility, is lost.”
Without humility, whatever we do will amount to nothing. You may verbally recite the divine names of God, pray to Him, go on pilgrimage to the four holy places or visit the saints, but all this will be useless if done with pride. You will realise your folly after death when you are forced to reap the consequences. You did so much but you will be punished because it was pride that motivated it and not humility.
Arrogantly you flaunt I am a billionaire. Don’t you know that when this body is snatched away you are left with nothing? Whether you are a billionaire, a pauper, or the king of celestials, after death it makes no difference. You will not be allowed to carry a single penny with you.
Spirituality in Daily Living, Vol. 2, p20–23
Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan, Vedic knowledge revealed by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and presented in English by Dr Vishakha Tripathi, president of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.