Shri Rama and Shabri

There once lived a tribal woman called Shabri, a great devotee who resided in the forests of Dandakaranya in Central India during the descension of Lord Rama. Wandering in the forest, Shabri came across a very beautiful ashram. The area was inhabited by a variety of birds and other wildlife. This part of the forest was known as Matangvan and the ashram belonged to a great sage by the name of Matang Muni.

Upon reaching the ashram, Shabri fell at the feet of Matang Muni and begged that he accept a fallen, sinful, and orphaned woman like her as his disciple. Moved by her sincerity, the all-merciful, all-gracious sage took her into his shelter, imparting the philosophy of divine love devotion to her. When his time came to depart the world, he instructed Shabri, “You must continue to live in this ashram after I leave my body because one fine day Lord Rama and His brother, Lakshman, will come here. You must welcome Them warmly and take care of Them. Shri Rama is the supreme divine personality, God Himself. By having His divine vision, you will achieve the aim of your human life.” In this way, the great sage kindled the fire of devotion in Shabri’s heart before departing the world.

In accordance with the wishes of her Guru, Shabri eagerly awaited the arrival of Lord Rama and Lakshman. Every day she would lovingly prepare the pathway leading to the ashram, sweeping it and then sprinkling it with fragrant flower petals, all the while thinking, Lord Rama can arrive at any moment. This thought was foremost in her mind. She had such firm, unwavering faith in the words of her Guru that someday the Lord would surely arrive and bless her. She engrossed herself deeply, day and night, in the sweet loving remembrance of Lord Rama. With each passing day, she would carry out meticulous preparations in anticipation of welcoming the Lord at any minute, which included fetching fresh edible roots and fruits to serve Him. As time passed, her faith in the words of her Guru grew stronger and stronger.

Then, at long last, the auspicious day arrived. Wandering in the forest in search of His Beloved Sita, the eternal consort of Lord Rama, the Supreme Lord finally arrived with His brother, Lakshman. As They approached, They appeared wonderstruck by the beauty and tranquility of the woodland that surrounded the ashram. Shabri was a highly accomplished ascetic and a great yogini. Brimming with great love and joy in her heart, she welcomed Lord Rama and Lakshman with folded hands, and fell at Their lotus feet in complete surrender. Her eyes were transfixed on the sublime beauty of the Supreme Lord. His blue-complexioned body with strong shoulders and long, powerful arms. His long-matted hair wound around His head like a crown in careless abandon, and the beautiful swaying garland of fresh fragrant wildflowers that hung around His neck. Together with His contrasting fair-complexioned brother, who stood by His side, fulfilled her long-cherished dream.

Overcome by the depth of her emotion, the Supreme Lord could hold on no longer. With gentle loving care, He lifted Shabri from His lotus feet, and said, “O dearest one! The beholder of such beautiful and sweet words. Your utmost selfless divine service to your Guru has finally come to its fruition.” On hearing these benevolent words from Lord Rama, Shabri answered, “O Raghunandan! O Son of the great Raghu dynasty! By obtaining Your divine vision today, I have reaped the final reward of my devotion in this most precious human life. My prayers and my seva towards my Guru have finally borne fruit.” Continuing in this vein, she added, “O Supreme Beloved! By gracing this ashram with the touch of Your lotus feet, my penance and devotion has finally succeeded. I now know, without doubt, I will reach Your divine abode.”

Saying these few words, Shabri offered her prayers once more before washing the lotus feet of both brothers. With tender motherly affection, she offered them the carefully chosen wild fruits and roots which she had collected after tasting each one of them. Lord Rama ate all the offerings she gave, relishing every bite, and showered abundant praises on the deliciousness of the roots and fruits she offered.

In this manner, she offered her obeisance and reverence to the Supreme Lord. With folded hands in deep prayer, she fixed her eyes on the Lord with intense love and respect, and then exclaimed, “Even among the most wretched and fallen of all women, I am the most fallen and despicable of all.” Hearing such humble words, the Lord replied,

O Remorseful One! Do not despair. I only concern Myself with devotion. I give no regard to religion, caste, creed, family, stature, position, wealth, qualities, cleverness, strength, or power. Even if someone possessed all these qualities and qualifications to infinitum, but was devoid of My devotion, he is like an empty cloud that produces no rain. I do not care for such a person. As far as you are concerned, however, you are enriched with navadha bhakti. You are most deserving of all My special graces that even the greatest of yogis cannot dream of. O Shabri! I have appeared before you because of your intense love and devotion towards Me, and therefore, you are naturally most deserving of all My graciousness.

Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattva-darshan — the essence of Vedic wisdom, spirituality and devotion in daily life.



Jagadguru Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan
Jagadguru Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan

Written by Jagadguru Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan

The essence of Vedic wisdom, spirituality and devotion in daily life — the unique philosophy of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj.

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