Spiritual Knowledge
When we have questions like who is God and why am I here, we must find an authoritative and dependable source to answer them. These subjects are beyond our intellect and so on our own we can only speculate. Mercifully, God makes this knowledge available to us. And why wouldn’t He? He has manifested this world solely for the purpose of giving us the chance to attain Him. Just as there is milk in the mother’s breast before the birth of her child, similarly, before human civilization begins on Earth, God produces knowledge in the form of the Vedas. We are not left to wander aimlessly but can acquire correct spiritual knowledge from the Vedas and proceed on the path of God-realisation.
The Vedas is not a book written by someone or a collection of speculations by different scholars. The Vedas are paurusheya (produced by God) and apaurusheya (not made by anyone). Like God and we individual souls, the Vedas are eternal. It is divine knowledge that resides eternally within God. In fact, the Vedas are considered to be God Himself, vedo narayanah sakshat. There are other divine scriptures produced by God-realised Saints and by various descensions of God. These are based on the philosophy of the Vedas and perfectly coordinate with it. These scriptures further elucidate, complement, and clarify the teachings of the Vedas, and include the Darshan Shastras, Gita, Puranas (including the Bhagavatam), the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. This priceless treasure of knowledge is the guiding light for all those who wish to accomplish the goal of their existence.
You must keep in mind, however, that the Vedas or any scripture are not for self-study. These are divine scriptures that can only be understood by a divine mind, and that too, only with God’s grace. Even Brahma was unable to understand the meaning of the Vedas initially. Only when he surrendered to Shri Krishna and received His grace, did the meaning become apparent to him. If you hope to correctly understand this vast philosophy, then you need the guidance of a God-realised Saint, guru binu hoi ki jnana, Ramayana. Any attempt otherwise will just increase your confusion. It is only with the help of a qualified teacher that true knowledge can be gained.
My sincere recommendation to you therefore is to read Prema Rasa Siddhanta by Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. This miraculous book summarises the entire Vedic philosophy supported by hundreds of quotations. It distills all this knowledge into a simple practical form that can be implemented by you in your daily life. In this way, there will be no doubt about what you must do to fulfil the aim of your life.
Spirituality in Daily Living, Part 4, p28–31
Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan, Vedic knowledge revealed by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and presented in English by Dr Vishakha Tripathi, president of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.
For more information about Prema Rasa Siddhanta, in Hindi or English, and the other literature written by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, please visit: