What to do?
When someone understands the aim of this human life and the transitory nature of the human body, time becomes his most precious commodity. Being conscious that death may approach at any moment, he endeavours wholeheartedly to make every second his most profitable. To succeed, one must be a proficient manager of his mind. With the shield of spiritual wisdom, fend off negative emotions that would otherwise upset your equilibrium, and rob you of your spiritual wealth.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was a staunch advocate of the disciplined use of time and the importance of remaining alert. He was the master of both these disciplines; demonstrating their applications practically through the way he lived his life and his interactions with people. His example shows that we should never give in to the vagaries of our mind. There is no need to launch into a tirade of abuse if someone does something wrong. Resolutions to differences should always be found amicably. Monitor your feelings so that any negative escalation can be nipped in the bud. The spark of anger should be detected and extinguished; let it not grow into a ragging conflagration. We all are slaves of our mind and it is the mind who is our worst enemy, even though to us it always seems our dearest friend.
Govern your mind with the intellect God has given you. Should any negative feeling get under your guard, acknowledge your mistake, reprimand yourself and remind yourself of spiritual principles. God and Guru are with me and watching me. They are noting my every thought. If I succumb to these vices, how will I ever become eligible to receive their grace?
Remember, no two people can be of the same nature, so tolerance and forbearance are essential in our dealings in the world. Any rift will negate your spiritual progress, even rendering it defunct. Always be on your guard and never allow your spiritual earnings to become depleted. Live a disciplined life, practice devotion as prescribed by your Guru, and remain conscious of spiritual truths. No one can improve anyone else, not by coercion or any other means, so just remain focused on improving yourself. Live with a cool mind and behave lovingly with all.
When you get up in the morning, resolve to remain alert throughout the day, and before going to bed at night, analyse your progress. Pinpoint your wrongdoings and pledge to not commit them tomorrow. Practice in this manner and become a guardian of self-restraint. When you make a firm decision to do this, then problems associated with mental fluctuations will be a thing of the past.
Spirituality in Daily Living, Volume 2, pg. 38–40
Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan, Vedic knowledge revealed by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj and presented in English by Dr Vishakha Tripathi, president of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.