Why Do You Want to be Happy?
It is a universally experienced and acknowledged fact that every action of every individual soul is performed with a definite aim. No action is performed without a reason. It therefore seems natural to conclude that there would be various purposes behind different actions, but this is not so. Even though actions can be multifarious, the purpose behind them all is one. This statement may appear strange and unbelievable, but given some thought, it is straightforward and logical. However, there are some people who claim that there are also actions performed without any aim. For example, the wicked harm others for no valid reason while God and the Saints perform their work without any purpose. But this is not the case.
To summarise, it can be said that the wicked derive happiness from causing harm to others while the Saints and God, who are ever blissful, derive happiness by giving happiness to others. Now, let us consider the other living beings besides these three. Every living being in the universe performs actions for the attainment of happiness. You may say that practical experience proves that there are other goals in life, such as attaining wealth, having a family, raising children, having friends, and so on. However, that unknown happiness is being sought through these goals. This fact is stated in the Bhagavatam, 10.14.50.
Nevertheless, some assert that philosophers accept five aims of life: immortality, knowledge, independence, the desire to control others and happiness. How then can it be proven that the attainment of happiness is the only aim of the living being? Here it should be noted that all other goals, including the aforesaid, are sought only for the sake of attaining happiness. If our path to attain that happiness is correct, then genuine happiness is attained. But if it is incorrect, then our attainment is merely illusionary happiness, i.e. misery.
Let us seriously reflect upon this goal of attaining happiness. When there is such diversity in this world, why is it that everyone is only seeking happiness even though no one has been taught to do so? There must be some secret science behind this. Yes, there is. The secret is:
anando brahmeti vyajanat … (Taittiriya Upanishad 3.6)
According to this Vedic verse, God is happiness personified. In relation to the aim of the individual soul that we are referring to here, the Gita states:
mamaivamsho jivaloke … (Gita 15.7) “Every individual soul is an eternal part of God.”
Thus, God is happiness and being a part of Him, every individual soul naturally seeks happiness. In fact, no living being can deviate from this goal even if he were to endeavour to do so for countless ages. Some philosophers have interpreted this goal as complete freedom from suffering. But such a state implies the attainment of bliss. Besides this, every living being, without being taught, naturally loves divine qualities too, such as truth, non-violence, peace, forgiveness, and so on. You might object saying that there are just a handful of people like this. But this view is naïve. Even the most foolish person, after innumerable lifetimes of effort, will not be able to eradicate his innate nature to love and appreciate divine qualities and instead love theft, lies, deception, and so on.
For example, if a thief claims to approve of theft, then steal something precious of his and observe the reaction. Does he object or not? If he does, why? If theft is genuinely approved by him, why is he unhappy when he is robbed? Why does a liar feel upset when lied to? If you hurt someone who enjoys hurting others, why does he get upset? These simple examples prove that everyone loves divine qualities. The science behind this is that every soul is a part of God and so has a natural love of divine qualities. Thus, besides the goal of happiness, every soul aims to attain divine qualities …
An excerpt adapted from:
Prema Rasa Siddhant — Philosophy of Divine Love — p.1–6
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj